تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

perhaps they أمثلة على

"perhaps they" معنى  
أمثلةجوال إصدار
  • Perhaps they don't know Ms. Russo as well as I do.
    ربما لا يعرفون آنسة (روسو) كما أعرفها.
  • Perhaps they decided to start all over again from the beginning.
    ربما أن قرروا أن يعيدوا من البداية
  • Perhaps they might have if you hadn't made a sideshow of yourself.
    ربما كانو سيفعلون لولا استعراضك الجانبي
  • perhaps they would like to meet some of the king's family.
    ربما يريدوا مقابلة احد افراد العائلة المالكة
  • Thinking } Perhaps they notified him as soon as I was missing.
    ربما قاموا بإعلامه بمجرد تغيبى
  • Perhaps they might find him a place. - Yes.
    ــ ربما يستطيعون تدبير مكان له هناك ــ حسناً ..
  • They gave you their soul... and perhaps they never will again.
    ..لقد أعطوك أرواحهم وربما لن يفعلوا ذلك ثانية
  • Perhaps they wish us to treat them as mortals. A test?
    ربما ياملون ان نعاملهم كالفانين ،كاختبار؟
  • It was parked in a handicap zone. Perhaps they towed it.
    لقد كانت مصفوفة في موقع المعاقين، ربـّما سحبوها
  • Gone. Perhaps they mourn Theodoric or they've quarreled with the Romans.
    ربما حزناً علي (ثيودوريك) أو تشاجروا مع الرومان
  • Perhaps they don't have the same effect on vampires.
    ربما ليس لها نفس التأثير على مصاصى الدماء
  • Perhaps they contributed in some way to the incident this morning.
    ربما ساهموا بطريقةٍ ما إلى الحادثةِ هذا الصباحِ.
  • Perhaps they could not make it home, Tatiana, They are hiding,
    ربّما لا يستطيعون العودة الى البيت تاتيانا, مختبؤون
  • Perhaps they thought the change in weather was only temporary.
    ربما ظنوا أن التغييرات في أحوال الطقس مؤقتة فقط.
  • Perhaps they would consider making an exception just this once.
    قد يعتبرها حالة استثنائية هذه المرّة فقط
  • Oh. If it's all right, perhaps they should stay.
    لا بأس بذلك على الأرجح يجب أن يبقوا
  • So perhaps they helped to deliver the building blocks for life.
    لذلك فربما ساعدت على جلب وحدات بناء الحياة
  • Perhaps they see us not as people, but as playthings, Elinor.
    علي شكرك إذاً على هذا لا
  • Perhaps they are not men of the world, as we are.
    لعله ليس من رجال العالم مثلنا
  • It's perhaps they don't understand physics and the laws of stellar evolution.
    ربما لا يفهمون الفيزياء وقوانين التطوّر النجمية
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3